Defining Games Of Our Generation: Halo Combat Evolved


Halo has become one of the most successful gaming series and a household name, but it was in 2002, developed by Bungie for the Xbox, the first incarnation was born, Halo: Combat Evolved. The game promised to be a blockbuster of epic proportions  and it didn’t disappoint, delivering a tight, story driven experience with many innovations that helped to redefine the FPS genre.

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Top 5 Beards In Gaming

After the rather serious and sombre tone of the previous post, I thought something a little more light hearted is required to balance the scales, I wouldn’t want people getting the wrong impression. We can still have fun here….Wait, don’t leave….

5. Gordon Freeman

Gordon Freeman

Rocking in at number 5 is our old pal Gordon Freeman, sporting what I like to call the nerd beard. Beardtastic!

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