Top 5 Beards In Gaming

After the rather serious and sombre tone of the previous post, I thought something a little more light hearted is required to balance the scales, I wouldn’t want people getting the wrong impression. We can still have fun here….Wait, don’t leave….

5. Gordon Freeman

Gordon Freeman

Rocking in at number 5 is our old pal Gordon Freeman, sporting what I like to call the nerd beard. Beardtastic!

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Video Game Addiction

How many hours per week would you play video games? 20? 40? More? Games have come under the scrutiny of many psychologists, claiming that many players may be addicted, and as a result games are having an adverse effect on their lives.

Many scholars are pushing for video game addiction (VGA) to become an official psychological disorder under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. They believe that too much screen time can lead gamers to show the same signs of addiction that a drug addict would display, including disregard for personal hygiene, change in mood, avoiding social situation and sleep deprivation. Continue reading